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Concepts pour l’improvisation d’un solo de basse / Solokonzepte für Bass

This book by Chuck Sher and Marc Johnson is the only book ever published that is specifically designed to improve soloing. With over 150 pages of exercises to help create more beautiful, horn-like solos, plus transcriptions of Marc Johnson’s astounding improvised solos on the accompanying CDs, it is one of those rare instructional tools that can really make a difference. Also includes complete chapters on: Choice of notes in one mode, phrasing exercises in one mode, choice of notes on a given chord, typical jazz licks, and practicing soloing on tunes. Ensembles d’exercices pour s’entrainer à l’improvisation à la basse. Titles include: Vorwort von Chuck Sher * Bemerkungen von Marc * Marc Johnson: Ausgewählte Discographie * Kapitel 1: Auswahl der Töne einer Tonleiter * Kapitel 2: BIldung von Phrasen in einer Tonart * Kapitel 3: Akkordtöne * Kapitel 4: Improvisieren über Stücke * Anhang I: Fundamentale Übungen * Anhang 2: Transkribierte Bass Soli. French and German edition.

Additional Information

SKU#: 01-ADV15001
UPC: 805095150018
Series: Advance Music
Secondary Category: String – Bass Studies or Collection
Format: Book & CDs
Languages: French; German
Contributors: By Marc Johnson and Chuck Sher
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