Central Music Direct


Please note:
Your purchase may contain items that are non-returnable & non-exchangeable:

  • Printed music
  • DVDs, CDs, Software, & other media
  • items subject to health restrictions
  • All returns/exchanges are subject to approval
  • Must be in mint condition
    ◦ No written marks
    ◦ No broken spines, dog ears, etc.
    ◦ If sealed, seal must not be broken
    ◦ We must be notified within ten days of receipt

An Explanation…

Many of our products are easily reproducible, hence the returns/exchanges we do allow are designed to
provide convenience to our customers while protecting our best interests. We urge all of our customers to become aware of the US Copyright Law and abide by it. If we all are proactive in this we can prevent
higher prices, music no longer being published; and most of all, ensure the artists get compensated for
their talent.

We review all return/exchange requests on a case by case basis. Please feel free to reach out to us if you
have any questions or concerns.