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Reflections on Patriotic Songs

Piano Solo Arrangements of Patriotic Favorites
The Reflections books are recognized for having arrangements that sound rich and full without making undue demands on the pianist. The tradition continues with these great-sounding patriotic songs. The collection contains 16 titles, each an important part of the American heritage. Sid Richardson’s arrangements are sensitive to the character of the piece: the reflective songs are gentle, but the strong-spirited songs are full of energy. Appropriate for a variety of performance venues, and great for getting improvisation skills ‘into the fingers.’ This is a collection that will quickly prove its worth. “Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean,” “You’re a Grand Old Flag,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” and “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy” are Federation Festivals 2016-2020 selections. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.

Additional Information

SKU#: 00-FDL9601
UPC: 029156271423
ISBN-10: 0769252745
ISBN-13: 9780769252742
Series: David Carr Glover Christian Piano Library
Secondary Category: Piano – Glover Christian Library
Format: Book
Page Count: 48
Contributors: Arranged by Sid Richardson
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